Washington County Durham


Memories of  Washington's ...

Peter McMann

Peter McMann  -  'F' Pit Miner & Professional Boxer

Peter McMann

Peter McMann
(1921 - 2000)
Boxing Champion of the North

Peter McMann was one of North East England's most prominent boxers in the late 1940s and early 1950s.

Born in Washington, he worked as a 'stoneman' at the 'F' Pit and served in the Royal Navy.  He began boxing at the age of 14 and, as a professional, boxed under three different names, Kid Kelly, Pete Miller and Peter McMann.

Peter fought 25 professional bouts as either a cruiserweight or a heavyweight.  He won 7 (KO 6) and lost 18 (KO 8) of these contests.  In total he boxed 119 rounds of professional boxing.

Peter also boxed exhibition bouts against some of boxing's big names e.g. Randolph Turpin, Freddie Mills and Lee Savold.
Savold, who won the EBU World Heavyweight Championship in June 1950, also fought against Joe Louis and Rocky Marciano.

Peter McMann

Terry Lynn, Chairman of Sunderland Ex-Boxers Association, said, "Peter was a real character inside and outside the ring and was well respected throughout the sport."

[Thanks to Lynn News and BoxRec for the above information.]