Washington County Durham


Memories of  Washington

Bill Craddock MBE

William Craddock MBE

(1926 - 2014)

( World War II Veteran, Holder of the British Legion's 'Certificate of Recognition', Print Union Official, Local Historian & City Mayor. )

Brussels, Belgium - 1945
[ Call-up: 1944  /  Demob: 1947 ]

The Washington Man

who launched the

City of Sunderland

not once, but ...


Bill Craddock MBE

was the first elected Mayor of the newly designated City of Sunderland.
He also launched Nissan's vehicle carrier the 'City of Sunderland'.

The City of Sunderland
[ Photo: Moolen ]

Bill launching the City of Sunderland
[ Hiroshima - 10th November 1992 ]



Bill Craddock MBE

( For services to the community of Washington, Tyne & Wear )

Bill with his MBE
Investiture: Buckingham Palace
16th November 2004.

[ Joyce Pearson - Deputy Mayor of Gateshead ]

Bill showing HM Queen Elizabeth II around Sunderland Civic Centre
Period of Tenure as Mayor: 20 May 1992 - 19 May 1993.

[ Photo: Sunderland Echo - May 1993 ]

Bill Craddock was actively involved with many local organisations e.g. The Royal British Legion, Washington History Society and Bowes Railway Museum. He represented Washington West ward on Sunderland Council and was a member of Tyne & Wear County Council and Washington New Town Corporation. Bill was the first elected Mayor of the newly designated City of Sunderland.

Bill's friend, and councillor for Washington Central, Dianne Snowdon is quoted as saying, “Bill went down to London and picked up the official seals when Sunderland became a city. He was a true gentleman who would help anyone and will be sadly missed."